“The Mailman” Drawing

"The Mailman" Drawing

It’s been awhile since I’ve uploaded a drawing. I now work for 88.9 WSTB as Co-Art Director. Right now, I’m making profile and header pictures for the DJ’s with specialty shows:

I submit a drawing once a week; projects are due Wednesdays. Last week, I drew for the Mailman — senior Liam Salvage. I made a few drafts, but what you see is the final drawing. My dad helped me with ideas. He had recommended a mailman bucket hat, which I eventually drew. I had drawn a hat with wings, and before that, an envelop, but I just wasn’t satisfied.
I am satiated with the final, though. I think if I had to change anything, I would change the logo’s words, “88.9 The Alternation” to text instead of hand drawing it.