New School Information

Buses, Classes, Rules, and more info to help you adjust.

It can be a bit hectic adjusting to the new school, so here are some tips, rules and other information you need to know.

Our new address: 8585 State Route 14.


No food or drink ANYWHERE in the school outside of the Commons area. Violation will result in disciplinary referral to Newman.

No seniors are allowed to leave the building for lunch, however the new courtyard is reserved for them.



Cafeteria is now called the Commons.

Use the wall colors to help find your classes. Green and Yellow are upstairs, Blue and Orange are downstairs.

After 8am, ALL of the doors are locked and you can only enter through Door 1.

There are security cameras now, so make sure you are following the rules.



#1 Main Entrance, leads to teacher parking lot.

#2 & 3 is the best way to get out to the buses after school, found by the stairs.

#4 Art room exit to student parking lot.

#5 Radio Station entrance and exit to student parking lot.

#6 (rear commons) parent drop off. In the morning, circle out of the parking lot on that side of building. This will avoid parents’ vehicles and buses getting in each other’s way. Also leads to student parking lot.

#7 Trash exit

#8 Auditorium exit to student parking lot.

#9 STEM exit to student parking lot.

#10 Maintenance area; do not enter.

#11 Band/Choir room exit to road facing State Route 14

#12 near locker rooms and training room and leads out facing State Route 14

#13 & 14 gym doors that leads out facing State Route 14.

#15 Commons door that leads to teacher parking lot.


#103 Counseling #206 Rainer
#104 Rossman #207 Brunner
#105 Scisciani #209 J. Judd
#107 Gaug #210 Maruna
#108 Bohn #212 Ushiroda
#109 Kidd #213 Thomas
#110 Large Group Instruction-LGI #214 Ruggaber
#111 Schneeman #215 Hudnall
#113 Dalton #216 Sternburg
#114 Teague  – STEM #218 Featherstun
#115 STEM #220 M. Judd
#116 Boardwine #221 Arlesic
#117 Hajdak #222 Klodor
#119 Srp #224 McCaffrey
#120 Foster #225 Spence
#121 Gentner #226 Lellio
#132 Dierkins – Journalism #227 Dallet
#135 Yeager – Art #228 Charlton
#136 Selak Gymnasium Romance
#137 Music Studio
#138 Fesemyer – TV Production #150 Sturdivant
#139 Long – WSTB #150 Smith


For the remainder of the year, students will board combined buses at the high school. Upon arriving at the middle school, students will exit and board their regular bus.
# – Combo bus to be boarded at HS

# – Bus to be picked up at MS

22 & 8– Board #22 at HS for transport to MS
4 & 2– board #4 at HS for transport to MS
20 & 33– board #20 at HS for transport MS
3 & 5 board #3 at HS for transport to MS
34 & 35– board #34 at HS for transport to MS
14 & 23– board #14 at HS for transport to MS
26 & 15– board #26 at HS for transport to MS
6 & 18– board #6 at HS for transport to MS
2 & 11– board #2 at HS for transport to MS


Upon arrival at the middle school, the below buses will be lined up, ready to receive their students.

– Bus number picked up at middle school